Shootermind for Excellence
Tell us your dreams. We can help you realize them
CEI Consulting helps organizations and individuals who recognize the importance of human factors in the pursuit of excellence. The ability to maintain focus, control of emotions and perform effectively is often the difference between winning and losing.
CEI Consulting helps athletes to:
- Determine their specific concentration strengths and weaknesses with the most sophisticated performance enhancement assessment system.
- Be aware of their performance profile with a 360° assessment program (technical, mental and physical).
- Be aware of their skills when compared with those of the best athletes in the world.
- Develop coaching programs for improving and performing at their best.
CEI Consulting for Shootermind Excellence is an assessment and coaching program provided by a team of experts in clay target shooting. This program includes:
- Performance evaluations.
- Feedback and validation error analysis.
- Technical, physical and mental skills building sessions.
- Educational presentations on main shooting and coaching topics.
- Coaching staff debriefing (when appropriate).
The team of experts is composed of:
- Technical coach Pierluigi Pescosolido, coach of Francesco DAniello (Beijing 2008 silver medallist double trap, 2007 world champion), Daniele Di Spigno (double trap four times gold medallist at the world championship, seven times gold medallist at European championship and eight times won world cup events) Erminio Frasca (trap silver medallist 2006 world championship, gold medallist 2006 European championship, gold medallist 2007 world cup final), Katiuscia Spada (skeet silver medallist world championship, bronze medallist 2008 world cup final and three times gold medallist compak world championship) and Andrea Filippetti (bronze medallist 2008 skeet world cup event and six times on the podium of world cup events).
- Mental coach Alberto Cei, since 1982 has provided psychological programs for elite athletes and coaches. In the preparation of the Beijing Olympic Games he was the mental coach of Johnny Pellielo (trap silver medallist), Francesco DAniello (double trap silver medallist) and Erminio Frasca (trap finalist). Author of 11 books in sport psychology, in 2008 he published the book for clay target shooting entitled Psychological Shooting Program.
- Athletic coach Fabio Partigiani, coach of the Italian Team. Since 1988 he has participated at all the Olympic Games and the main shooting events in the world.
The program can be made in the shooting centres where usually the shooters are trained or in Italy at a shooting range located in Rome. (TAV Valle Aniene,
The program will be customized to satisfy the shooters improvement and performance needs: tell us your dreams and we will help you to realize them.
For more information contact:
CEI Consulting Shootermind for Excellence
tel. +39 335 524 0162
CEI Consulting Shootermind for Excellence
tel. +39 335 524 0162