How to create the developmental plan
To identify a selfdevelopmental plan means to correlate the individual expectations with the company needs in relation with the: (a) position charged, (b) future perspectives, (c) professional competencies and (d) performances requested.
First, the manager has to identifiy which are his/her points of strenght/weakness, thinking about the role that he would to play in the next future. In this phase he also can say to himself that he wants to become the general manager of the biggest firm in the world. This is his dream and to dream it is not forbidden. Many top athletes dream to become a gold medalist in the Olympic Games, but they know that only one will reach this result. Each person has the right to have a dream, knowing that to improve the performances it is necessary to challenge ourselves in the daily activities.
To enhance the performance efficiency the goals must be identified for the reason that:
- direct the actions focusing the individual on the specific tasks,
- increase the commitment and the effort,
- support the persistency to cope with the difficulties and negative situations,
- promote the development of new tasks an problem-solving strategies,
- sustain the confidence to cope with the problems in the individuals.
Choosed the area of improving, the next step is to establish the program of selfdevelopment following this procedure:
- Describe the root causes that have determined the reduced development of this competence
- Describe the specific situation contributing to maintain this difficulty
- Identify which are the skills to develop to exceed this problem
- Identify which are the actions to carry out to acquire this competence
- Identify which are the parameters to use to assess the improvement
- Establish who could help you in this activity of coaching, giving you support and feedback