Continuous improvement as successful strategy
The coaching to cope with the new challenges is an individual training. His aim is to increase at the maximum level the managerial competences and to permit at each manager to become the best he can be. Moving through this continuous improvement process allows to satisfy the companies needs to have leader more and more effective and trained to drive their people.
The coaching is a road supporting the personal change, starting from a positive appreciation of the manager professional performance and knowing that it is the continuous renewal that will permit to repeat the successes reached.
At this proposal it seems very specific the comparison between the manager skills and the top athletes skills because they have to perform at their best:
- they have reached most of the goals expected and planned in advance and they are oriented to achieve their next performance goals
- they are totally committed and very energetic in their activities
- they perceive themselves accountables about the results of their/team performances
- they are considered by the young collaborators/athletes as a model to emulate
- they like the challenges, compete and win
- they are solution oriented
- they search the contribution of the people able to help them to reach their goals
It is obvious that it is not easy to reach all these skills in one person and also in the high potential people this mix of characteristics comes from a strong commitment in this direction. For them the frustrating days and/or the unsucceful performances represent hard situation to cope with, but they know the mistakes represent good learning opportunities to approach with confidence.